Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Work Station :)

Today is my 2nd day working at cyberjaya. yesterday, 1st day keje ok la sbb there are 2 other guys yg msk same day with me. Time keje kul 9pg- 6ptg. 1st day msk, we all dibriefing by Ady (project manager) and Nadia our Assistant Head Creative (she from UNIKL gk). pastu tgh briefing2, dtg lak CEO ke dlm bilik meeting tu, En. Amir namanye. Ok la org nya, die pon brief little bit about da company. Kiranye 1st day xde wat pe sgt just view job2 lame yg ade tuk jd example for my project nnt. Simple je using Flash n just skit je movement.

2nd Day, we all trus wat keje yg diberi. actually duedate 11hb Mac. so byk mase lg. so byk gak la idea nk wat ni. So far sronok la keje sini. xde lg nmpk yg xelok. staff2 semue ok :) just biase la i still kekok lg with new environtment, but slowly i use with it. So hope my work will success (hope so).

Ok la that's all for now, nnt ade mase i cite lg ;D


maylyn said...

keje elok2 :)

Azza Azwar said...

don't tensi2 keje ye beb...kalo tensi2 cuci mate la dulu ye...hehehe....enjoy your new job.... ;)

Unknown said...

ok tq kaklin & azza :h:

mamamia said...

selamat bekerja...ajaaja fighthing...

suezen said...

yeah..slowly get use to it..Nadia mn ekk????

kimimycat said...

all the best babe!!

Myra said...

good luck akak *wink*

Unknown said...

tq all my fren ;)

sue: nadia ni akak pon xkenal die hahahha ;P die pon xkenal akak. die ni 1 batch dgn Fathir (MPP). erm nmpk sgt xkenal org hahha.


tempoh ber'honeymoon dah berakhir...semoga kerja kali ni lebih baik dari yg sebelum ni...wish u all de best..

Unknown said...

tq affa ;) hope so :D