Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunway Lagoon 080809

Aku dgn my fren Azza, Affa & Alip pegi mengiburkan diri kt Sunway Lagoon :D bende ni plan last minit jer xde la plan lame2. Acually we all plan nk g Kuantan this year tp memandangkan semue bz so we all wat plan g tmpt yg dkt area KL. Wpon tak brape plan but best gk plan ni... We all meet kt Sunway Lagoon around 10.45pg. Breakfast dulu kt kedai mamak area sunway lagoon tu. We all msk Sunway Lagoon around 1130pg. We all pilih ms 2 park jer sbb mmg main objective nk g mandi2. So kalo amik 1 park RM45, tp kalo amik 2 park we all byr RM48. So setakat tmbh RM3 tuk msk 2 park, we all pon decided amik 2 park. We all pilih Water Park & Amusement Park :D

We all kt sane byk wat strategi tau hahahhaha.. mula2 we all g main all game Amusement Park. da abis br la we all tukar bj for main game yg berkaitan dgn water. Wuish punye la da lame x g main all game ni... mmg happy sgt kt sane. antara yg we all main Buffalo Bill Coaster, Niagara Falls Flume Ride, Colorado Splash, Grand Canyon River Rapids, Butch Cassidy's Trail, the world's longest Pedestrian Suspension Bridge (ni plg takut. seyes xtipu aku menggigil2 sbb bile jln belah bwh kite bole lak nmpk org2 kt bwh tu ish seyes takut).

Lepas tu we all g mandi lar ape lg kan. before mandi we all beli la burger n air tuk alas perut. Price food kt sane mmg mhl. tp da mmg agak da so xde la heran sgt pon :P so lepas jer mkn we all mandi2 smpy lencun hahahhaha :P

We all spent time dr kul 11.45 smy kul 5 ptg kt sane. lepak2 mkn aiskrim lepas tu g tukar bj sbb Sunway Lagoon closed kul 6ptg. lepas tu, We all lepak kt Les Copaque sek. 13 Shah Alam. mkn la ape lg kan sbb lapo huhuhuhu. Borak2, chit chat, gelak2... And then, bersurai around 730mlm.

Enjoy with u guys :D ade mase kite hangout lg :D lepas ni buke posenye plan lak kan... so ape lg set time n place k :P (blum pape da suruh set time. ape da :P).

Pic2 We all
(more pics click here & here)

Bersamaan tarikh 080809 ni 1st wedding anniversary my bestfren Diela & hubby, neil.
"CONGRATULATION to both of u :D".