Saturday, October 26, 2013

Teka-teki with plustick

Yesterday nite i play a game with plustick... ( this game from my cousin)... Game tu mcm ni :

Question: You enter your room and on the bed there are 2dogs 4 cats 1 giraffe 5 pigs. There are also 3 chickens and one duck flying around . How many legs are standing in the room? REPLY ME PERSONALLY OK. If you get the answer wrong you need to put this picture of the giraffe as your profile picture on whatsapp for a day.
Those who have alrdy become a giraffe dont spoiler k? give the rest a chance to become one of us..

So anyone yg salah jawap kena tukar profile whatsapp dorg dgn pic giraffe ni:

Pastu semua pon slh so all avatar we all da jd mcm ni :

Hahhaha pastu sbb ketidakpuasan kalah, jue pon ade kan satu lagi game teka-teki, if sapa slh kene tukar status whatsapp dorg ke pada 'i miss u jue'... Ok soklan dia:

"Dlm malaysia ni..kalo kita g tempat tu mesti sedey"

Pastu semua pon jwb slh.. So ni la jd kat whatsapp we all hahhahah:

Eventho game we all ni mcm bodo skit but i had so much fun with all my sistas :D luv u all so much... Xoxo :)

Friday, October 25, 2013


Xpernah guna blackberry phone but now for mac n android already hv BBM... Add me :D 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

7 Reasons Why You're Still Single

ermmm suke (part minit ke 2.48 until end) and it make me think of me... maybe betul.... ('',)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Parking for ladies

Yesterday hangout with has, azza, sue & our cute little sara aka alisya (semua pgl dia alisya but actually i really like to call her sara bcoz very suit her)... Ok da ngarut da kan ok back to our story... 

We all hangout at The curve :) i really like the parking idea for "Single Female Drivers & Mothers with Infants"... Gud for safety, easy to find parking n near with escalator. 

So far a few shopping mall already hv sumthing like this example cineleisure, Viva Mall, KLCC... So keep it up shopping mall u all really make all ladies will come to ur mall with happy ahakssss.. 

P/s: yeayyy yesterday berjaya control hati ini to not buy anything :P lalalalalalaaa....

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Chat with mynn

Tgh lepak2 starbuck tetibe Yasmin (my niece) tegur.. Kesedihan kerna Running Man da nk abis season huhuhu.. Tp actually ade part yg menyentuh prasaanku...

Baca conversation kat pic bwh ni:

Ala sian je statement "mama ashik keje jer" ... Emm nak wat camne anak oiii, mama n ayah nk cr duit for u all adik bradik.. Xpe nnt mama dee bwk korg jln2...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Budak Zaman Skang

Dok tgk Fb terjumpe pic ni :

Ape related pic ni kan dgn cite yg nak diblogkn ni huhuhu... Satu hr as usual Ameer tgl dgn mama jer kat umah.. tgh syok2 mama tgk tv tetibe ameer yg dok main kt pintu jerit2...

Ameer : Wan, ade lembu!
Mama :  Lembu? mana lembu? (My mom terkejut trus bangun)
Ameer : Meh lar sini (sambil lambai2 tgn pgl my mom)

Mama pon g la kt pintu tu... sekali my mom nmpk ulat yg berbulu(xtau ulat ape gonggok kot :P).. terus my mom gelak besar....

Aduih la bdk2 zmn skang lembu pon xtau mcm ne rupenyer.. haahhahaha... ulat dok pgl lembu dengggg~~~~

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Tgh browse fb tetibe ternmpk post ni.. Cute sgt huhu :)

P/s: entry ni xde ape2 motif pon hahaha..

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

First Personality test

Saje gedik2 duk wat my first personality Test... mcm xde la x percaya test ni acurate ke x sbb ade yg betul n ade yg x... Jom tgk jom my result... So mana yg x elok kene la improve kan (giler positif :P)